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Try this PT-approved hack for fitting in a workout - even when you don't have time

 Peloton's Ben Alldis shares his ultimate advice for making time to work out

Young woman practicing iyengar yoga at home in her living room.
Melanie Macleod
Wellness Editor
On 7 March 2024
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It comes as no surprise that a new study from Asics revealed that women feel 52% happier when they exercise regularly, as well as 48% more confident, 67% less stressed and 80% less frustrated – so working out is a no brainer, right?

Sadly not, as the same study showed that 80% of women say that having no time is their biggest barrier to exercise.

Given that we know making time to exercise makes us happier, HELLO! spoke to Peloton instructor and training specialist Ben Alldis for his advice on fitting exercise into a jampacked schedule- without your workout feeling like just another thing to add to our ever-expanding to-do list.

Man on a spin bike with his arms spread wide
Ben is a Peloton instructor

Read on for his expert advice…

1. Prioritise your time 

Treat exercise as a non-negotiable appointment in your daily calendar. Set aside a specific time slot every day to move your body, whether it's early morning, during lunch break, or in the evening and commit to it like any other important task.

2. Start small and be consistent

Begin with manageable exercise routines that you can easily fit into your day. Consistency is key, so aim for shorter workouts initially, such as 20-30 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you build the habit.

Smiling young woman jogging near lake on sunny day© Getty
Start small and be consistent when it comes to exercise

3. Make it enjoyable

Choose activities you genuinely enjoy to make exercise more appealing. Whether it's cycling, strength training, dancing, swimming, hiking, or playing a sport, finding something you love will make it easier to stick with it and look forward to your workouts.

 INSPIRATION: Why exercise can make you feel like yourself again - no mum guilt allowed

4. Incorporate physical activity throughout the day

Look for opportunities to move more throughout your day. Take the stairs instead of the lift, go for short walks during breaks or try standing up and stretching regularly if you have a sedentary job. These small bursts of activity can add up and make a difference.

Woman doing yoga exercise on mat at home. Healthy african woman practicing cobra yoga pose. Exercising at home during pandemic.© Getty
Find time in your day to work out

5. Find a friend

Partner up with a friend, family member, colleague or group who shares your fitness goals. Having someone to hold you accountable and exercise with can provide motivation and make the experience more enjoyable.

Two mature black woman together in nature.© Getty
Working out with a friend helps make it more enjoyable

6. Be flexible and adaptable

Accept that some days, unexpected events or time constraints might disrupt your planned exercise routine. Instead of skipping it entirely, be flexible and find alternative ways to stay active, such as doing a quick workout at home or going for a short walk.

 INSPIRATION: I started running at 50 – here's what you need to know

7. Set realistic goals

Set achievable and realistic exercise goals. Trying to do too much too soon can lead to burnout or disappointment. Start with small milestones, celebrate your achievements, and gradually challenge yourself to progress further.

8. Make use of technology and apps for guidance

Fitness platforms or apps such as Peloton can help you stay motivated and organised. Using them to track your progress, find new workouts, new instructors or receive reminders and motivation will be a massive help to keeping you motivated.

 INSPIRATION: I was once 17 stone but walking changed my life 

9 Combine exercise with other activities

Multitask by combining exercise with other activities you enjoy or need to do. For example, listen to audiobooks, podcasts or your favourite music while walking or running, watch your favourite TV show while on a stationary bike or treadmill or join a social sports league for both fun and fitness.

Best fitness classes in London© Getty
Make fitness part of your every day routine

10. Take care of yourself

Prioritise self-care by ensuring you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. When you take care of your overall wellbeing, you'll have more energy and motivation to fit exercise into your day.

Visit HELLO!'s Keep Moving hub for more inspiring fitness content

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